
Preludiomusiclibrary.com is an innovative on-line database that allows operators in the sector and individuals to search for and license the music pieces from our catalog to be used in advertising, television, film and audiovisual productions in general. On this page you can find answers to all doubts about the portal: how to search, how to request licenses, how to request a subscription formula, etc.

It is also possible to download a tutorial in PDF format or you can access the Tutorial page to view our short tutorials on You Tube.

For any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly by calling +39 02 or by sending an email to info@preludiomusiclibrary.com.

How to find
  • Where should i go to begin a search?

    In general, the search keys by which we should start are "genre", "atmosphere" and "orchestration". We suggest not to use as search keys first "rhythm" and "product". Even the "free search" may be a good criterion of departure, later refined by other keys. In most cases the songs are indexed in a very precise and accurate, however, suggest, however, make several attempts to cross resetting each time the search keys and starting from a different key. Eg. if the first time you tried the songs for "orchestra" and have not found anything satisfactory, a second attempt could be made by resetting the parameter orchestra and trying to enter the "classical" music as a genre.

  • According to which criterion do I achieve results choosing more than one option within a single search?

    For each query the applicable Boolean criterion is, clicking on the options below in the query list, AND or OR.
    AND: the database identifies the pieces which include both search indications (one AND the other). In case of two options the database will identify the pieces which include both. An example: if in Atmosphere you click on "Playful" and "Funny" the database will find only those pieces which have been catalogued at the same time as "Playful" and "Funny".
    AND = more selective (fewer pieces found).
    OR: the database identifies the pieces which include one search indication OR the other. In case of more than one option the database will identify the pieces which include one option or the other. An example: if in Atmosphere you click on "Playful" and "Funny" the database will find those pieces which have been catalogued as "Playful", but also as "Funny", or also as "Playful" and "Funny".
    OR = less selective (more pieces found)

  • Come funzionano AND, OR e NOT sotto ad ogni chiave di ricerca?

    AND, OR e NOT sono comunemente denominati "operatori booleani" per cui devono essere soddisfatte due o più condizioni prima di scegliere un metodo di ricerca particolare. Con gli operatori booleani, è possibile descrivere tali combinazioni di condizioni: -AND: the database identifies the pieces which include both search indications (one AND the other). In case of two options the database will identify the pieces which include both. An example: if in Atmosphere you click on "Playful" and "Funny" the database will find only those pieces which have been catalogued at the same time as "Playful" and "Funny".
    AND = more selective (fewer pieces found).
    -OR: the database identifies the pieces which include one search indication OR the other. In case of more than one option the database will identify the pieces which include one option or the other. An example: if in Atmosphere you click on "Playful" and "Funny" the database will find those pieces which have been catalogued as "Playful", but also as "Funny", or also as "Playful" and "Funny".
    OR = less selective (more pieces found) -NOT: the database exclude the pieces with include the search indication.

  • Can I make searches using several criteria? Such as genre, rythm, product, etc....

    The most effective method is to make your searches using a particular criterion, that you consider more important, and afterwards to REFINE your search using other criterions too. In fact, when you make your first search, "Search by" appears on the green criteria bar. Once the pieces have been found according to the most important criterion, "Refine search by" will appear. Therefore AND will be the Boolean criterion of track identification: practically speaking the system will identify a first group of pieces and with the second search it will identify among these the ones corresponding to the second criterion selected when refining your search.

  • Is it possible to REFINE within the same query?

    Naturally it's possible, nevertheless the Boolean operators AND and OR allow to avoid this step. If, for instance, you want to search for a piece that is "evocative", but among the evocative pieces you only want to identify those which are "disturbing", it will be enough to choose the two queries together straightaway and click on AND.

  • Can I assign directly a search to PRELUDIO Music?

    YES. Our consultants are at your disposal for any type of music research on the content of our catalog. Since we know one by one the tracks that make up our database, it may be quicker and more effective to ask for extra help.

  • What can i do if i don't find that i need?

    It's possible to ask directly to Preludio to search music in the catalog. It is not excluded, in fact, that can be identified more easily searched for the song since, having made a selection focused on "quality" and "effectiveness", we know very well the entire contents of our catalog. Alternatively you can contact Preludio to the creation of a piece of "ad hoc".